Sunday, 6 March 2016

Why gardening is important to us?? - Home Gardens

At mycloud forest, we have a largest collection of indoor and outdoor gardening plants to improve your health, personality. The best Home Gardens in Bangalore, “we offer you 10% off on your first order”. The leading sellers of plants and flowers in Bangalore and you can buy favourite plants.

Here are some reasons why gardening is so important to us for longer life:

  1. Garden is for safe and healthy – You can heard in news about illness and contamination regularly appearing in medias. Growing concerns about pesticides in our daily food supply have led to increased interest in organic gardening. The processed food contain additives and preservatives that customers may avoid. More than 10 million home owners had victory in gardening which produces fresh vegetables and fruits. The garden gives you health, wealth and happiness. So start your indoor gardening and know the food which you are having fresh and safer which you cannot get in grocery shops.
  2. Gardening means for survival, “survival of fittest” - More than 400 years, people cultivated plants and flowers. There should be a reason why this practise continues to exist. Flowers enhance the beauty to the world.
  3. Garden for exercise – Are you going for gym? No need to go for gym, you can do workout in gardening itself. Gardening activities give both cardio and aerobic exercise. Studies shows that an hour of gardening can reduce upto 300 calories for women and 400 calories for men. Ffor older people, can help to reduce osteoporosis. Digging, stretching and blending a plant compares to exercise prevent some activities. You can see immidiate results even as your physical health improves without any boring.
  4. Gardening strengthens your immnue system – Outdoor basking in the sun, you will soak up plenty of vitamin D which helps for the body absorbs calcium. Calcium helps to keep your bones strong and your immune system healthy.
  5. Gardening adds beauty – Make a house to pleasure to look and satisfy to live. Adding a container of colourful flowers can invite more relative snad friends. Herbs and flowers in kitchen freshens the room.

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